As you grow older suddenly the people you went to high school with are either married, engaged, working a great job or pregnant. I'm twenty-three years old now and I work a simple job. I haven't gone back to college. I might be missing out on big girl money as we speak.
I don't know how much I can complain about my position in life. I know I have many to be thankful for. I'm alive, and so are my loved ones and cats. I can't help but feel like I'm missing out on something. Possibly everyone feels like they could do or should've done more with themselves. I have known this feeling ever since covid-19 first hit.
At one point does a girl's life feel complete? I already have a best friend, a boyfriend, family and especially my mother who I am very close with. Expectations are hard to meet when you're trying to adult for the first time. I know for a fact that I want to make everyone proud.
Is it wrong to only plan by the day and not for the years to come? If all you worry about is the future, then you take away the pleasure today has for you. If you don't plan for the future, then you'll just be lost. All I know is I need a career before I get taken off my father's insurance. Insert laugh track now.
Someday I will be someone's mother. Right now, I am just me and that's okay. Please, remind yourself that you don't have to compare your journey and its length to anybody else's journey. Live for you, and for your loved ones that care. Even I care and I don't even know you, or maybe I do.
I'm sure most people my age don't collect a variety of plushies from the thrift because they're an animist so every toy has a soul but here we are. It's completely okay to still be somewhat immature in a healthy sense. There's a child in everyone's spirit. P.S. I know I'm still very young, but these are rational fears and this is a safe space to have an existential crisis.
If Carrie Bradshaw was in her early thirties in season one, then there's still so many chapters for us girlies. This is for all my late bloomers in life.
You are doing well in life right now I’m proud of you and you speak nothing but truth when saying you don’t have to compare your journey to someone else’s!